Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Homework for 10/31

I hope everyone had fun at Harvest Fest! Here is the homework for tonight:

Social Studies: Practice speeches for tomorrow! We will present them at 1:30.

If you want extra credit, please complete the crossword puzzle from this morning.  I will give you extra credit for doing this.

Have a great Halloween!  Please remember what we talked about with being safe!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Homework for 10/29

I hope that you all had a great weekend!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Bring in three examples of informational text that we talked about today in class.  Also, begin to work on your new reading log!

Math: Complete the division problem worksheet

Social Studies: Rough draft of speech due!  We will be presenting our speeches to the school on Thursday!  Also, your campaign poster is due WEDNESDAY!

Science: Define the following vocabulary words about weather:

  • Tornado
  • Hurricane
  • Super Cell
  • Meteorologist
  • Destructive
Also, here is the website that we looked at today about hurricanes and tornadoes: 

Have a great evening.  If you need help with anything, please let me know!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Homework for 10/26 and the Weekend

Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish working on your planner from the song Dare You to Move.  Also, write a paragraph about what the song means to you.  Also your reading log is due on Monday!

Social Studies: Brainstorm for your campaign speeches.  You all have the positions that you are running for.  We will be doing the speeches next week!

Also, remember that your current event is due on Monday as well!

We have Family Mass on Sunday!  Attendance is part of your grade, so I hope that you can all make it!  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Homework for 10/25

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your comic strip from the National Treasure movie if you did not do so in class today.  Also, remember to keep on reading for your reading log!

Math: Study for your test that is tomorrow!  This is what you should know for the test:

  • Rounding
  • Place value using money
  • Word problems with Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication.
If you want to use Khan Academy as a study tool, here is the website

Science: Study for your science test on the plant!  Here is what you need to know for the test:

Also remember that there might be some review questions from other sections on this test as well :)

Social Studies:  Rank your choices from 1-7 (1 being the one you want the most) on the class government positions.  I will place you in 2 roles tomorrow!

Religion:  Family Mass is SUNDAY!!! See you all there!

Great work today!  If there is anything that you need, feel free to email me tonight at

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Homework for 10/24

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write one paragraph on why you would want to be president.  Also, continue to work on your reading logs.  Remember to fill them out completely and get it signed.

Math: Multiplication word problem worksheet

Science: Begin to study for your test on Friday!

Social Studies: Redo your three roles for our class government!  Think about something that you would want to do within our classroom.

REMINDER!!! FAMILY MASS IS SUNDAY @ 11am!  See you all there!

Homework for 10/23

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Keep working on your reading log!

Math: Complete word problem worksheet.  You will be exchanging this with somebody tomorrow, and solve!

Science: Draw a diagram of a plant and label it.  This should be in color.

Social Studies: Think of at least THREE different positions that you would be interested in holding within our class government.  I will pile all of these together, and pick some that you will be running for.

Religion: Remember that family mass is this SUNDAY!  Practice your songs for it.

Also, your current event is due on Monday as well!  Have a great night!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Homework for 10/22

Here is the Homework for Today:

Reading/Language Arts: Begin to work on your reading log that is due on Monday.

Math: Write AND solve 3 word problems.

Social Studies: Watch the debate!  We will talk about it tomorrow.  Also, there is another current event that is due on MONDAY!

Science: Define the 11 different parts of the plant that we talked about today.  You can use a dictionary or the internet to find the answers.

Religion: Creare a schedule of an ordinary day in your life

Bonus question:  What two teams played in Game 7 of the National League Championship Series tonight?  Who won?

Have a great night! Come ready to learn tomorrow!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Homework for 10/18 and the Weekend!

Here is the homework for the Weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete your questions from the National Treasure movie.  I am really glad that you all enjoyed it so much!

Math:  Do the worksheet that was in your green folder.

Science: Define the following words:

  • Volume
  • Graduated Cylinder
  • Vapor
  • Irregular
  • Syringe

Social Studies:  Create another chart with the 3 branches of government and the correct people that work under that branch.

Also, remember to do your reading logs, and get them signed!  For extra credit, where did Nebraska play this weekend?

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Homework for 10/17

Hey Class!  We worked really hard today one everything, so great work!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading and Language Arts: Read through the scene from National Treasure.  We will continue to watch and take notes on the movie tomorrow during reading.  Also, if you have not completed the planner for your novel, please do that for TOMORROW!

Math:  Study for your quiz that is tomorrow! Make sure you know how to use money to  identify place value  up to the hundredths.  Also, there will be some review questions from the previous chapters.

Science: Look up and define the following words:

  • Matter
  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas
  • Particles
  • Mass
Social Studies: If you brought home your notes, STUDY!!

Have a great evening!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Homework for 10/16

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading and Language Arts: Complete the proofreading exercise that we wrote down in class.  Remember that there are 7 errors in the passage.  Also, remember to use a RED pen to edit it.

Math: Workbook page R 1-9.  We will be taking a test over rounding, money and place value on THURSDAY!

Social Studies: Watch the debate.  Pay close attention to how the two candidates speak.  Also, for a bonus point, write down the college where the debate is being held.

Religion: Finish writing your paragraph on the differences between Faith and Religion.

Remember to keep reading and keep writing in your reading log.  Have a great evening!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Homework for 10/15

The homework for tonight is:

Reading/Language Arts- Finish the crime/mystery reading and the sequencing morning worksheet.  Also, finish the poem on suspense tonight as well.  I would like to get into the lab tomorrow to type these up.

Math- Workbook page 1-9 on money and place value.

Science- CLOUD QUIZ TOMORROW!  Here is what you should know for the cloud test:

  • What are the 4 different types of clouds?  What do they look like? What are some other characteristics that make them special and different?
  • What are the steps of the water cycle?
  • What step of the water cycle are clouds formed in?
  • What are the differences between the 
Social Studies- Write the definitions of the three branches of government

Remember to also keep on reading and writing in your reading log every night!

If there are ever any questions, please don't hesitate to email me at  I will see everybody tomorrow!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Homework for 10/12

Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts- Complete your reading log and remember to get it signed!  We will begin working on the second drafts of our mysteries next week!

Math- Good work on your quizzes today!  For Monday, bring in some loose change from home.  We are beginning to talk about money on Monday!

Social Studies- CURRENT EVENT IS DUE!!!!  We finished learning about our states, capitals, and regions today (YEAH!!).

Keep working hard, stay focused, and have an enjoyable weekend!  As always, I am available through email all weekend with any questions.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Homework for 10/11/12

Hey Class,

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading and Language Arts: Finish writing the first draft of your mystery for tomorrow.

Math: Complete the workbook page that was in your green folder and study for your quiz that is TOMORROW!

Social Studies: Study for the regions test/quiz that is tomorrow!  If you want to use the website that we worked with in class it is:

Religion:  Answer the two questions that we talked about in class.  We will share these tomorrow.

Also, if anybody can tell me the location of tonight's Vice President debate, I will give you ONE bonus point on both of your quizzes tomorrow.

Remember that your current event and reading log are also due on Monday!  Enjoy your evening!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homework for 10/10

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts- Continue to work on the first draft of your mystery.  These will be due on Friday!  Also, finish your morning work paragraph on the quote that you wrote on your paper.

Math- Complete the workbook page that was in your folder.  We will also have a quiz over this section on Friday.

Social Studies- Friday will be a quiz over the different regions and what land features are located in them.  We discussed the major land formations in these regions (mountains, lakes, deserts).

Science- Today we put the mammal project on hold until we can get access to more computers and began to talk about the weather.

Also continue to work on your reading log and current event.  Both of those are due on Monday!  Enjoy your evening and stay warm!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homework for 10/9

Hey Class!

Sorry for posting this so late, but here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish writing your main ideas and supporting details for the Earthenware Pig.  We will be moving on to the next story tomorrow.  Also, remember to write a planner for your mystery!  We will also start those tomorrow in class!

Math: pg. 27 in the green book #'s 6,8,11,13,14,15 and 24-29.

Science:  If you haven't already, sign up on glogster and create an account.  Some of you have signed up with me, which is ok too.  The website to do that is

Social Studies:  Next current event project due Monday, October 15

Also remember to read and write in your reading logs every night!  Have a great night, and I will see you in the morning.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Homework for 10/5

Hey all,

Great work today!  We got a lot accomplished.  This is your homework for the weekend:

Reading- Write your own ending to The Case of the Earthenware Pig.  Also, remember to finish your reading log and get it signed by someone at home!

Have a great weekend!  I will also give anybody a bonus point on either their social studies quiz if they bring in the score of the Nebraska game and who they played :)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Homework for 10/4

Hey All,

Great work today in class!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Language arts workbook pg. 14

Math: Review packet.  Remember...TEST TOMORROW!!!

Social Studies: Capitals Quiz TOMORROW!! Study your states and capitals.  This is the last region that we will be studying.

And as always, continue to work on your reading logs.  That needs to be signed by a parent or guardian at home and turned into me on Tuesday.

Have a great night tonight.  Study hard and come prepared to learn tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Homework 10/3

Sorry for posting so late.  My internet has been down.  Here is your homework...

Reading and Language Arts- Pg. 27 in Language Arts book, # 11-20 in PURPLE BOOK OR Pg. 27 in Language Arts book, # 6-15 in ORANGE BOOK

Math- Workbook pg. 7.  Also, remember that your math test is FRIDAY!!

Social Studies- Create a list of the states and capitals

Science- Mammal project due on TUESDAY

Also, remember that your reading log 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Homework for 10/2

Here is your homework for tonight!

Reading and Language Arts- Write your paragraph on The Case of the Purloined Pachyderm.  Did you think it was suspenseful?  Be specific!  Also, do gg. 25 #6-15 in Language Arts book

Math- pg. 24 in the GREEN book #6-24

Social Studies- Label the Capitals of the West Region

Science- Think of THREE mammals that you would like to research

Let me know if you need anything!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Homework for October 1st

Happy Monday!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts- Finish your planner for your novel project.  I would like to begin work on those this week, but many of you have not finished the planner.  Also, remember to write your paragraph on "Turn up the Music."

Math- Complete workbook pg. 6.  We will be having a math test on FRIDAY!!

Social Studies- Fill in the states in the western region and begin to study for the quiz on Friday.  You should all be studying at least 20 minutes every night.

Science- Create a list of 15 different mammals.

Also, keep on reading.  Reading logs are due every Monday and must be signed by a parent or guardian.

Enjoy your night!  Go Bears!  If anybody brings in the score of the Bears game, I will give you one extra credit point towards a quiz of your choice. :)