Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Homework for Spring Break!

Here is the homework for Spring Break:

Reading/Language Arts:  Write a One page paper about what you did over spring break and complete your reading log.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday 4/8.  I have shared the Google Doc with you!

Have a great spring break!  Be safe and have fun!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Homework for 3/26

Hey All!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write a one page summary of your favorite movie.  Also, continue to work on your reading log.

Math: Reducing fractions worksheet.  Also, finish your morning work

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday 4/8

Religion:  Complete the Google Doc response question.  The document has been shared already!

We are almost at spring break!  Stay focused on your studies!  Conferences are also tomorrow! See you then!

-Mr. Goodman

Monday, March 25, 2013

Homework for 3/25

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your morning work and work on your reading log.

Math: Reducing fractions worksheet

Social Studies: Current Event due 4/8.  I will share this with you on Wednesday.

Science: Google doc response to the movie we watched in class.

Have a great night!  Remember that there are parent-teacher conferences on Wednesday from 3:00-6:00.  Hope to see you then!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, March 22, 2013

Homework for 3/22 and the Weekend!

Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish the word search from this morning and complete your reading log for the week.

Math: Solve for 24 by using the numbers 7,7,6,5

Social Studies: Current Event Due Monday!

Religion:  Complete the Mona Lisa response on the Google Doc.  I have already shared the file!

Have a great weekend!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Homework for 3/21

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish morning work and continue your reading log!

Science: TEST TOMORROW on Natural Resources.  Also, complete the natural resources worksheet.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion: Google Doc response about the Last Supper paintings.

Have a great night!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Homework for 3/20

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish morning work and continue on your reading log.

Math:  TEST TOMORROW!!! Also, complete the fractions worksheet.

Science:  Renewable and nonrenewable resources worksheet

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion:  TEST TOMORROW on the Ten Commandments!

Have a great night!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Homework for 3/19

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your morning work and continue to work on your reading log.

Math: Subtracting fractions worksheet.  Feel free to use either the butterfly method or the regular method.

Science: Reading on natural resources

Social Studies: Create a map of Illinois natural resources.  Remember to create a key!

Religion:  TEST ON THURSDAY on the 10 Commandments!

Also, there is a parent meeting tonight at 6pm and this Friday is Jean Day!  For the cost of a $1, you may wear jeans to school.

Have a great night!

- Mr. Goodman

Monday, March 18, 2013

Homework for 3/18

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Watch a 30 minute TV show of your choice and write about how the actors in the show were acting.  Think about all of the different styles of acting we have seen/talked about in class.  Also, continue to update your reading log.  Remember that it is your responsibility to update it daily!

Math: Simplifying fractions worksheet

Social Studies: Current Event due on Monday.  Also, if you are retaking your Preamble test tomorrow, you will do that first thing in the morning.

Religion: Complete the Ten Commandment response online.

Remember to stay focused! I know that spring break is right around the corner, but it is important to remain focused on your studies.  There are a lot of fun things planned for the remainder of the year, and I want all of you to participate in everything!

Enjoy your evening!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, March 15, 2013

Homework for 3/15 and the Weekend!

We had a fun today learning about St. Patrick and St. Patrick's Day!  Our writing exercise was my favorite part of the day.  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts:  Keep on brainstorming for the Funny Money.  Also, finish your reading logs.

Science: Volcano and Earthquake test Monday!

Social Studies: Complete the vocabulary worksheet and memorize the Preamble for Mondays oral quiz.

Enjoy your weekend!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homework for 3/14

Sorry for the late homework post.  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Brainstorm for the F.M.

Math: Test on triangles tomorrow.

Social Studies: Compare and contrast the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution using the Venn Diagram that I gave you.  Also, memorize the Preamble for an oral test on Monday.

Remember to email me your ideas for a song choice.  Remember that I will pick one of your songs to do tomorrow!  Anything you need, let me know!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Homework for 3/13

Great work today!  We witnessed history while we watched the election of the new Pope.  I am lucky that I got to share that with you.  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Type your letter to the President on the Google Doc that has been shared to you.  Also, brainstorm for the F.M.

Math: Complete the triangle worksheet

Social Studies: Begin to memorize the Preamble of the Constitution.  I know we did not get to this today in class, but begin to take a look at it.

Also, if you come to school tomorrow with the name of the new pope, where he is from, and his name before he became pope, I will give you extra credit for religion.  Have a great night!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Homework for 3/12

Terra Nova is finished!  Great work to all of you preparing and taking the test.  Here is your homework tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Use the Venn Diagram to compare and contrast Superman and Batman.  Also, start your reading log for this week!

Math: Triangles worksheet

Science:  Complete the earthquake fill in the blank vocabulary worksheet.

Religion: Practice your readings for mass!  I have also put up a Google doc for you to write the prayers in and I will print it tomorrow.

Enjoy your night!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Homework for 3/11

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting Mammals and Birds.

Math: Triangles worksheets

Social Studies: Practice questions for tomorrows Terra Nova test.  Also, study on your own for it as well

Science: Define the following words:

  • Earthquake
  • Richter Scale
  • Plates (about the earth...not the plates you eat on!)
  • Seismograph

Religion: Those of you who I talked to about reading for Wednesday, practice your readings for mass.

Have a great night!  Any questions, let me know!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, March 8, 2013

Homework for 3/8 and the Weekend!

Great work on Terra Nova this week!  Sorry for the late post today.  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Math: Complete the crossword puzzle.

Social Studies:  Current Event due Monday!

I am proud of you all for your hard work this week!  Keep it up!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

School Closing at 12:30 tomorrow

Hey All,

Just a reminder that school will be closing at 12:30 tomorrow and there will be NO after care.  Any questions, please let me know.  Stay tuned to the blog and email for other updates!

Great work today on Terra Nova!  Keep it up!

For Homework:  Begin working on your current event that is due on Monday!

-Mr. Goodman

School Closing at 12 pm (noon) today

School will be closing at 12 pm (noon) today and there will be NO after care services.  Please pick your child up by that time.  Any questions, let me know!

- Mr. Goodman

Monday, March 4, 2013

Winter Weather Warning for Tuesday 3/5

As you have probably seen on the news, we are expecting a lot of snow for tomorrow.  Due to this, school will be starting at its normal time but will be closing at 12 pm (noon).  Keep an eye out for an email, phone call and/or blog post from me in the morning if this changes.  Any questions, please let me know.

-Mr. Goodman

Homework for 3/4

Here is the homework for tonight:

Social Studies: Remember the Titans packet rewrite and Current Event due MONDAY!

Get a good nights sleep and eat breakfast in the morning!  See you all for Terra Nova tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Homework for 3/1 and the Weekend

Sorry for not posting this yesterday, but here is the homework for the weekend:

Social Studies: Complete the first 8 questions in your Remember the Titans packet.

Also, work on your Terra Nova practice test packet.

Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Goodman