Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Homework for 4/30

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish morning work and work on your reading log!

Math: Distributive Property worksheet

Science: Balloon car response paper due TOMORROW!

Social Studies: Founding Fathers worksheet

We have a field trip TOMORROW!  Remember to wear your St. Helena GYM t-shirt and jeans.  Make sure that you bring your sweatshirt and/or a jacket with you tomorrow too.  Also, we are almost done with school!  Remember to remain focused and keep working hard!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, April 26, 2013

Homework for 4/26 and the Weekend!

Great week!  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish morning work and your reading log.

Social Studies:  Current Event due Monday!

Science: Balloon car due on Tuesday.  Also, please continue to work on your science fair project.  You should all begin building and testing your invention!


Remember that Family Mass is on Sunday!  I am looking forward to seeing all of you at mass.  Have a great weekend!  Enjoy the beautiful weather!

-Mr. Goodman

Sample Science Fair Board

Here is a sample of a science fair project board for you to look at.  Any questions, please let me know!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Homework for 4/25

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Magazine article due!  I have created and shared a Google Doc if you would like to use it.  Remember, this assignment has to be typed.

Math: Test TOMORROW!  Complete the study guide that I gave you.  The test will be just like that.

Science: Finish you balloon car for the big race tomorrow.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion: Practice the readings for family mass.

Have a great night!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Homework for 4/24

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language arts: Complete pg. 12 and 13 in the packet and work on your reading log.

Math: Worksheet

Science: Finish your balloon car sketch and bring in your supplies to begin building it tomorrow.  Race day is on Friday!

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion: Practice readings for Family Mass.

Remember: Family Mass is on Sunday!  Hope to see you all there!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Homework for 4/23

Great work today!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Begin working on your research magazine article.  Remember that your first draft will be due on Friday!  Also, continue to work on your reading log.

Math: Algebra Worksheet

Science: REDO your materials list and procedure for the science fair.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion: RELIGIOUS ART TEST TOMORROW!!!!  I created and shared a Google Doc with the works of art, the title and the artist that created it.  Also, continue to practice your readings for Family Mass.

We need to continue to remain focused.  There are a lot of fun activities planned for the rest of the year, and I would like everyone to be able to participate.  Anything that you need, please let me know!

-Mr. Goodman

Monday, April 22, 2013

Homework for 4/22

Here is the homework for tonight

Reading/Language Arts: Read pg. 36-38 in the orange reading book and write a summary.  Also, begin your reading log for the week.

Math: Algebra Worksheet

Science: Procedure list for science fair due tomorrow!  Also, write your letter to the Mayor about the garbage dump.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Religion: Practice readings for Family Mass!  Also, there is a religious art test on Wednesday.

Enjoy the weather!  See you all tomorrow!

Mr. Goodman

Friday, April 19, 2013

Homework for 4/19 and the Weekend!

Great week everybody!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts:  Response to "Titanium" and finish your reading log.

Science: Force and motion reading and worksheet.  Also, your materials list for your invention extension is due Monday.

Social Studies: Complete the Paul Revere response on the Google Doc and finish up your Current Event!

Religion: Those of you who I gave readings to for mass begin to practice them.

Lets remember to remain focused for the rest of the year.  We have a lot of fun projects and activities planned the rest of the year and I want everybody to be able to participate in them.  Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Homework for 4/18

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write a summary about what you learned today on the field trip.  Also, work on your reading log.

Math: Dividing fractions test TOMORROW!  Here is the link to the game that we played in class:


Science: Materials list due Monday!

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

I had a great time with you all on the trip today!  See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Homework for 4/17

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Reading Log

Math: Dividing Fractions worksheet.  Test on Friday!

Social Studies: Google doc response about the Continental and British Army.

Science: Hypothesis due! Here is the link to the website that we looked at in class:


Religion: Research about what Fr. M talked about with the box in the alter.

Any questions, send me an email!  See ya' in the morning!  Remember that we have a field trip tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homework for 4/16

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts- Research paper planner and reading log.

Math- Create and solve 7 dividing fractions problems.

Science- Earth Model project and Science Fair purpose due

Social Studies- Current Event due Monday!

Religion- Practice your readings for mass

Any questions, please let me know!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Homework for 4/15

Happy Monday!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: ReaD PG. 29-31 in your orange reading book and write a 1 page summary of what you read.  Also, complete your reading log.

Math: Dividing fractions worksheet

Social Studies:  Pick one of the acts that we looked at today in class and write a paragraph response to it.  How did it make you feel?  Also, your next current event is due on Monday!

Science:  Earth model is due on Wednesday!

Religion: Practice your readings for mass!

Have a great night!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Homework for 4/12 and the Weekend!

What a great week!  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete the online response to "Girl on Fire".  Also, finish your reading log for the week.

Science:  TEST MONDAY!!! Here is the link to the game that we played in class on Friday:


Also, the topic for your science fair project is due Monday and your Model Earth Project is due Wednesday, April 17th.

Social Studies:  Complete the online response question that has been shared to you and finish up your Current Event.

Enjoy your weekend!  The weather is suppose to be great out!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Homework for 4/11

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your morning work.  Also

Math:  STUDY for your test Tomorrow!  Also, complete the worksheet to help you study.  If you do both sheets, I will give you a bonus point on the test.

Science: Model of the Earth project due Wednesday, April 17th!  Also, look out for information on the Science Fair!

Social Studies: Define the following words in your notebook:

  • Revolution
  • Musket
  • Declaration
  • Colony
  • Militia
Also, your Current Event is due on Monday!

 Let me know if there are any questions about the Science Fair or the Earth model project!  For a bonus point, what was the name of the boat that the first colonists came to America in?

Have a great night! 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Homework for 4/10

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Redo your brainstorming if needed.  Also, write a one page science fiction story and do you reading log.

Math:  Multiplying fractions worksheet.  We will have a test on Friday!

Science:  Bill Nye response on the Google Doc.  I have already shared this for you.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Have a great night!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Homework for 4/9

Hey all!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Type your poem onto the Google Doc in the shared folder.  Also brainstorm 5-8 ideas of topics for your research paper.

Math: Multiplying fractions worksheet.

Science: Parts of the Earth worksheet.

Social Studies: Current Event due MONDAY!!

If anybody brings in the score of the Blackhawks game from tonight along with who they played, you will get a bonus point towards a subject of your choice!

See you all tomorrow!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Homework for 4/8

Welcome Back!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish morning work and work on your reading log.

Math: Multiplying fractions worksheet

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday.  I should have these posted and shared by tonight.

Science: Read the article on the parts of the Earth and answer the questions.

We are almost done with school!  Make sure that you remained focused on your work and studies!  See all of you tomorrow!