Friday, May 31, 2013

Homework for 5/31

Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: PRACTICE YOUR READING/PRAYERS FOR MASS!!! Also, finish your reading log for the week!

Religion:  Family Mass is on Sunday!  Please arrive at school at 9:30 am!  Mass will begin at 10.

That is all!  Have a great weekend!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Homework for 5/30

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: PRACTICE READING'S FOR SUNDAY!  Also, please bring in a book from home for now on to read during silent reading.  We will be packing up our library for the year tomorrow.

Science:  Metric Conversion Worksheet

Religion:  FAMILY MASS IS SUNDAY AT 10!!  Continue to practice, practice, practice!

Tomorrow is Jean Day!  If you bring in a can dress out of uniform!  Woo Hoo!!

That is all!  Enjoy your evening!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Homework for 5/29

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Work on memorizing your reading for Family Mass on Sunday!  Also, continue to work on your reading log!

Math: Test TOMORROW!!! STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!!!!!

Religion:  Keep practicing your stuff for Sunday!  I am expecting EVERYTHING to be memorized by then!

That is all!  Have a great evening and GO HAWKS!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Homework for 5/28

I hope you all had a great Memorial Day.  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your script for tomorrow!  Make sure when you turn it you attach your story and your planner to it!

Math: TEST ON THURSDAY!!  Come to school tomorrow with 7 two step algebra problems written

Science: Metric conversion worksheet

Religion: Type your favorite prayer that you made in class onto the Google doc.  I will print these out so you can practice it for Family Mass on Sunday.  Also, practice reading the class prayer and start memorizing it.

Family Mass is SUNDAY at 10 am!  Hope you all can make it!

Stay focused!  I have a lot of fun stuff planned the rest of the year, and would love to share it all with you!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, May 24, 2013

Homework for 5/24 and the Weekend!

Great work today!  I am so happy that we were finally able to celebrate reaching our point goal!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts:  Complete your weekly reading log

Math:  Solve for 24 using the numbers 4,4,6,8

Social Studies: Current Event Due TUESDAY!

Enjoy your long weekend!  Remember that there is NO SCHOOL MONDAY!!  Be safe!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Homework For 5/23

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Work on your reading log

Science:  STUDY FOR YOUR FOOD CHAIN TEST!!!  Here is the link to the review game that we did in class today:

Social Studies: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST!!! Remember that you can have ONE index card to use on your test tomorrow.  Use the card that I provided for you in class.  Also, work on your Current Event!

That is all!  Have a great night and GO BLACKHAWKS!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Homework for 5/22

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your drawing and writing and continue work on your reading log.

Math: Negative numbers worksheet

Science: Complete the response question on the Google Doc about "Predators at War."

Social Studies: Current Event Due Tuesday!

That is all!  Remember to remain focused on these last few weeks of school.

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Homework for 5/21

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Reading log

Math: Worksheet

Science: Finish your food chain pyramid that you started in class if you didn't finish it today

Social Studies:  Current Event due on Tuesday!  I have created this and shared it already.  This will be your last Current Event of the year!

Have a great night!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Homework for 5/20

I hope that everybody had a great weekend.  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Begin your reading log for this week

Math: Two Step Algebra Problems Worksheet

Science: Complete your T-Chart of 10 Predators and 10 Prey

Social Studies: Current Event Due Monday

Religion: Answer the two response questions from the Pope's Twitter feed

Enjoy this AWESOME weather!  Have a good night!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Homework for 5/17 and the Weekend

Great work on the science fair!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts:  Complete  your weekly reading log.

That is all!  Enjoy your weekend!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Homework for 5/16

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Reading log

Math: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST TOMORROW!!! Work on the review sheet that I passed out in class.

Science:  SCIENCE FAIR TOMORROW!  Finish your boards and your reports.  Make sure that they are perfect :)

Any questions, please let me know!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Homework for 5/15

Hey All!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Continue to read your Lightning Larry scripts and work on your reading logs.  I want to record this on Friday.

Math- Create 5 word problems using algebra

Science: Work on your science fair project!  This is due FRIDAY!!!!!

For extra credit- bring me the score of both the Bulls game and the Hawks game tomorrow!

Have a great night!  Go Hawks and Go Bulls!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Homework for 5/14

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Continue to read through and study your lines for the Legend of Lightning Larry and work on your reading log.

Math: Write and solve 10 of algebra problems of your own!

Science:  Create 5 different food chains like the example that we did in class today.

For extra credit:  What is the name of the high school that Derrick Rose attended?

Enjoy this beautiful weather!

-Mr. Goodman

Monday, May 13, 2013

Sample Science Fair Board


Here is a photo of the sample board that we put together in class today.  If you have any questions, please let me know!

Homework for 5/13

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Practice your part of the "Legend of Lightning Larry."  Also, work on your reading log!

Math: Algebra worksheet

Science: SCIENCE FAIR FRIDAY!!! Work on your boards and paper!!

Religion: Complete a brainstorm/sketch of your religious art piece that you will make during class.

Also, with the weather getting warmer out, please feel free to bring a water bottle to class.  We will take some time during the day to refill them if needed.  Enjoy your evening!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, May 10, 2013

Homework for 5/10 and the Weekend!

Great week everybody!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Movie continuation story is due on Monday!  Also, complete the "Rolling in the Deep" response on the Google doc and your reading log.

Math: Finish your algebra worksheet from class today!

Social Studies: Current Event due on MONDAY!  Remember to study your vocab!


Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Homework for 5/9

Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: First draft of your movie continuation story is due MONDAY!  Also, continue to work on your reading log.

Math: Solving algebraic equations worksheet #1

Science:  Please redo your data and conclusion for tomorrow! Remember that data is what ACTUALLY happened and your conclusion talks about if the project proved or disproved your hypothesis.

Social Studies: Study your vocabulary

Religion: Test on Mary TOMORROW!  Make sure that you know the Hail Mary, vocabulary, and the story of her life.  If you know all of this, then you should get an A++++ on the test!

Enjoy your night!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Homework for 5/8

Hello there students!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete your morning work if you did not do so and work on your reading log.

Math: Complete both worksheets- one on solving problems and one on inverse relationships

Science: Make a list of 7 herbivores, 7 carnivores, and 7 omnivores.

Social Studies: Study your vocabulary!  You never know when I will give you a pop quiz!

Remember...progress reports went home today.  Please get this signed and return it to me TOMORROW!! Also, I passed back a bunch of tests and quizzes that need to be signed and returned with your progress report TOMORROW!

SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO VERNICE AND ZORIA FOR WINNING OUR CLASSROOM SPELLING BEE!  Lets show the rest of the school what we can do tomorrow!

Enjoy the weather!  Be safe!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Homework for 5/7

Hey Class!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Planner and Reading Log.  Study the spelling words for the spelling bee tomorrow!

Social Studies: Vocabulary Sheet

Science: Define the words Omnivore, Herbivore, Carnivore, Producer, Consumer, Prey, and Predator.

Religion: Response to the interviews that you did today in class on the Google Doc.

Enjoy the weather! See you tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman

Monday, May 6, 2013

Homework for 5/6

Great day today! Here is your homework for tonight:


Math: Study for your test on the Distributive Property!

Religion: Finish your reading and write your interview questions on the worksheet provided.

I will see you all tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, May 3, 2013

Homework for 5/3 and the Weekend!

We had a great week!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your morning work (BONUS POINTS) and complete your reading log for the week

Math: Distributive property worksheet

Science: Work on your science fair project!  I passed out to you a packet with all of the information that you need to help you with the rest of your project!

Religion: Workbook pages 46-47

Enjoy your weekend!  Have fun and be safe!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Homework for 5/2

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Reading Log

Math: Distributive Property Worksheet

Science: Work on your science fair project!  Your results need to be finished by May 7th (Next Tuesday!)

Social Studies: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST TOMORROW!!! Use your notes and Chapters 10&11 in your book!

Remember to remain focused on school!  Have a great night!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Homework for 5/1

Today was a great day!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write on the Google Doc about what you learned about our city today and do your reading log.

Enjoy the weather!  Have a great night!
