Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homework for 1/31

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete the readers response that is on the Google doc.  Also, continue to work on your reading log.

You also have a test tomorrow on the Percy Jackson movie.  STUDY YOUR NOTES!!!

Math:  Adding fractions worksheet

Science: Finish your recycling project.  Be ready to put it on a poster and present it tomorrow!

Social Studies:  Current Event due Monday.  Use the last current event document on the Google Doc.

Have a great evening!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Homework for 1/30

Great work today!  I heard from all of the faculty and staff that you all did a great job shadowing them today!  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete your final response to Percy Jackson.  Also write your response about the person you shadowed today and continue working on your Reading Log.

Math:  Complete the fraction worksheet

Science:  Brainstorm 5 things that St. Helena of the Cross can do to recycle at school.

Social Studies: Current Event due Monday!

Also, if anybody has a parent that would like to come in tomorrow, we are still looking for one to read to our class.  Please let me know!  I am looking to have someone come in around 12:30.  Enjoy your night!

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Homework for 1/29

Today was a very busy day today!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write your response on the Google doc to how Percy Jackson is a myth so far.

Math: Workbook page


Social Studies: Department Project due TOMORROW!! Also, redo current event for Monday!

I am looking forward to tomorrow with our Catholic Schools Week shadowing day!  Get excited for your new roles in the school!

Mr.  Goodman

Monday, January 28, 2013

Homework for 1/28

Hey All!  It was great to see you at family mass yesterday!  Great work to all of our readers.  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Make sure that your myth is up on the Google doc.  I will begin to read through them and grade them!  Also, complete your reading log for tonight.

Math:  Worksheet on adding fractions with unlike denominators.  Here is the link to the Khan Academy video that we watched in class:


Social Studies: Current Event redo due on Monday and Department poster due on Wednesday.  Also, compare and contrast the two maps of Illinois and write a response on the Google doc.

Also, in honor of Catholic Schools Week, I am looking for ONE parent volunteer to come in on Thursday from 12:30-1:00 to read a story to the class.  Please let me know if this is possible!

-Mr Goodman

Friday, January 25, 2013

Homework for 1/25 and the Weekend!!

Great week everybody!  Here is your homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete your response to Superman Tonight that is on the Google Doc.  I have shared this in the studentwork 45 email.  Also, finish your weekly reading log.

Math: Worksheet on adding fractions with unlike denominators.

Social Studies: Current event due MONDAY!


Enjoy your weekend! Remember that Sunday is Family MASS!! I will see everybody here at school by 10:30!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Homework for 1/23

Hey All!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Finish your myth planners for TOMORROW!  Also, keep working on your reading log!

Math: Draw and color a fraction bar chart like the one we made in class today.

Science: Define the words artery, vein, capillaries, aorta, ventricle, and auricle

Social Studies:  Take a look at the White House website.  I will be assigning each of you a cabinet department to research tomorrow

Religion: Practice your readings for mass!

Have a great night!!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Homework for 1/22

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Watch a 30 minute TV show of your choice and take notes on it!  Make sure that you include who the protagonist and the antagonist are in the show.  Also, continue to work on your reading logs.

Social Studies:  Respond to the question that I posted on the Google Doc.  The Google Doc has been shared in the studentwork45 email.  Also, you have another current event due this Monday, 1/28

Religion:  Respond to the question about Judas and the Black Halo on the Google Doc.  Also remember that we have family mass on Sunday.

See you all tomorrow!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Homework for 1/18 and the Weekend

Great work this week!  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete your reading log on the Google doc.

Math: Study for your fractions test on TUESDAY!!!

Science: Study for your test on the digestive system!

Social Studies: Write your response to the "My Friend Martin" movie on the Google Doc.

Religion: Check out the website on the Sistine Chapel and answer the question on the Google doc.

Any questions, please let me know.  I hope that everyone has a great weekend!!

-Mr. Goodman

Sistine Chapel Link

Here is the link to the Sistine Chapel!  Happy reading!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homework for 1/17

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts- Get your answers ready to put on your poster for tomorrow.  Be prepared to present your material!  Also, continue to work on your reading logs


Math- Workbook Page

Social Studies- Memorize your part to the I Have a Dream speech.  You will be tested on this TOMORROW!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Homework for 1/16

Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Write 9-11 sentences on the Google doc about what Dr. King means to you.  Also, continue to do your reading log.

Persuasive essays due on Friday!

Math: Workbook page

Social Studies: Work on memorizing your part of the "I Have a Dream" speech.  You will be tested on this on Friday!

Science:  Complete the last page in your digestive system packet.

Good work this past quarter!  Remember to bring in your signed report card envelope tomorrow for me!

-Mr. Goodman

Dr. King Speech Link

Here is the link to Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" Speech.  Listen to how he speaks and think about how you will deliver your part:

-Mr. Goodman

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Homework for 1/15

Great work today!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Watch your favorite 30 minute TV show and take notes.  Make sure that you figure out who is the protagonist and who is the antagonist in the show.  Be prepared to present this to the class.

Math: Complete 30 minutes of IXL on fractions

Social Studies: Read over your part of the I have a dream speech on the Google Doc.

Have a great night!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Homework for 1/11 and the weekend

Hey All.  Sorry for the late post.  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading/Language Arts: Complete the summary questions on the Google doc and finish up your IP work. Also, finish your reading log for the weekend.

Math: For extra credit, solve for 24 by using 1,3,7,8.

Social Studies:  Current event due Tuesday.  Also, if you still need to redo your community project, that is due Tuesday as well.

Just a reminder...there is NO SCHOOL on Monday 1/14.  I will see everybody on Tuesday.  Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Homework for 1/10

Hey All...Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading and Language Arts: Read the next page of Odysseus and the Cyclops and complete the response on the Google Doc.  Also complete your persuasive essay planner and your reading log.


Social Studies:  Redo your community project by next Tuesday.  Remember that this is a map of your community!  It is not just a drawing of your favorite places.

Also, complete your current event by Tuesday!

Any questions, please let me know!  Happy Studying!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Homework for 1/9

Sorry for not posting the homework last night.  Here is the homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts:  Read the Background on the Odyssey and complete a summary on the Google doc that has been shared.  If there are any problems, send me an email to let me know.  Also, continue to work on your reading log.

Math: TEST TOMORROW!!! STUDY!! You can complete the study sheet for bonus points :)

Science: Complete the Muscular System packet.  There will be a test on both the Skeletal and Muscular systems on Friday.

Social Studies: Current event due on Tuesday!

Enjoy your night!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Homework for 1/7

Hey All!  Here is the homework for today:

Reading and Language Arts: Finish your I.P work from today.  Also, please rewrite your introduction and complete the planner for the two body paragraphs.  As always, work on your reading log.

Science: Complete your human body packet

Religion:  Practice your readings for Wednesday!

See you all tomorrow!  If anybody brings in the score of the National Championship game, they will receive extra credit!

-Mr. Goodman

Friday, January 4, 2013

Homework for 1/4 and the Weekend!

Hey All.  Here is the homework for the weekend:

Reading and Language Arts- Complete the first page of your persuasive essay planning packet.  Also, finish your reading log.

Math- 30 minutes of IXL

Science- Complete the lab summary on the Google doc under your name.

Any questions, please let me know!  Enjoy your weekend!

-Mr. Goodman

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Homework for 1/3/13

Welcome back!  It was great to see everybody today!  Here is your homework for tonight:

Reading/Language Arts: Respond to the question that is posted on the Google doc about the song "Hall of Fame" that we listened to in class today.  Also, finish your new years resolutions.  If I haven't checked them yet, please make sure that you show them to me tomorrow.

Math: Complete the adding decimals worksheet.  I know that we only talked about this for a little bit today, but lets try to get this done!

As always, continue to work on your reading log.  I will be creating new reading logs for everybody beginning on Monday.

If there is anything that you need, please let me know!  Also, if there are any problems with the Google doc, send me an email at  See you all tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Current Event Shared Again!

Hey All,

I hope that you had a great break!  I have shared the Current Event with everybody in our class email.  If there is still a problem, please let me know!

Looking forward to seeing everybody tomorrow!

-Mr. Goodman